Beauty contests and competitions make us believe that only a few of us a worthy of becoming a star. Then we have stars like Angelina Jolie or Kim Kardashian and many girls copy their lips and hips believing that that could bring them closer to becoming a star. Instead, they look like a parody or a bad copy which is very boring. Becoming a copy does not mean becoming a star. Doing something well or looking perfect does not make you a star. The living proof of that are actors like Danny De Vito or Dustin Hoffman. There are so many perfect-looking actors but no one wants to watch movies where they act because they do not touch our soul. Nowadays a nose job is one of the most common plastic surgery. People cut their noses and lose their uniqueness. Lady Gaga before her nose job looked so attractive and very Italian. After her nose job, she looks like everybody else. Barbara Streisand's big nose is one of the signature features that made her very recognisable and unique. She is still an icon of beauty.
What not to do if you want to become a star:
Do not listen to the programs on how to become a star on TV, radio or YouTube, etc
Do not copy celebrities and stars
Do not participate in competitions, contests etc.
Do not copy what you like in other people
Do not hang posters of stars and celebrities
Do not have role models
Do not read books about how others became stars
Do not listen to life coaches, psychologists and so-called experts
What worked for Richard Branson will not work for you because you have a different story. Every person is unique. What makes them unique is his/her soul. Nobody else knows what is better for us to do than ourselves. We don’t need others to tell us what is good or bad for us. We know it.
What would help you to become a star:
Forget about the experiences of other people
Dare to pursue your way
Turn your brain towards your uniqueness
Break rules and acceptable standards if you want to do that
Do it your way, if necessary, shake off stereotypes in your thinking and acting
Admire yourself and put pictures of yourself on the wall in your house
Stay in the sector/area/industry that is attractive to you
Develop communication with yourself. You can start this process by asking yourself simple questions:
- What would I enjoy doing right now?
- Where do I want to go right now?
- Does what I do right now make me feel happy and well or uncomfortable and tense?
- Am I happy to be alone or do I want to be around people?
Answering these questions on a regular basis will help you pursue your unique path and do things in your unique way.Having a crowd mentality gives people a sense of security. Society wants us to do is conform. Why? So that we can be used to achieve other people's goals and work hard doing that. Conformity and mimicking others take us away from our true selves.
Many people never take their masks off. It is much easier to be in a mask and play a role, it may feel safer. It is much more difficult to take off a mask, particularly if a person lacks confidence and has low self-esteem.The most difficult part a person can play is to be yourself. Only a few dare to enjoy the luxury of being themselves and growing into a star.
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