201. Energy management

Life is energy and no matter how much time we have if we do not have energy we can’t achieve much.
To manage energy I identify where there is an unnecessary leakage of my energy and secondly, I develop a routine to recharge my batteries.
I identify five types of energy: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and sexual.

We all know how to maintain good physical energy: eat and sleep well, exercise, avoid alcohol, drugs and chemicals in our bodies. However, I have noticed that modern society puts too much pressure on looking perfect. Many of my girlfriends waste too much energy in the gym, shopping and doing makeup to look like Kim Kardashian. As a result, they look like low-energy empty dolls. I also noticed that many men in the gym look exhausted and unhappy, they look in the phones and pretend they exercise.

Mental energy is the power of focus and attention and the ability to concentrate. Constant texts, social media, YouTube videos and people who talk nonsense are the main leakages of my mental energy which I try my best to avoid. People say that we should give a gift to listen to others. I strongly disagree because if they talk nonsense it’s a waste of my energy.
To recharge my mental energy I love looking at the fire and walking on the beach. Having the house in good shape for me is the number one condition to be able to concentrate on intellectual work.

When we feel negative feelings we drain ourselves of energy and when we experience positive emotions we recharge emotionally. After each communication, I make a note in my journal of how I feel afterwards. If the person took my emotional energy and made me feel negatively I avoid them in future.
Another leakage of my energy is the worry that is steered by fears. Most of my fears are just my illusions and whenever I feel I am worried I ask myself: what am I afraid of? What is the worst that can happen to me? Then I realise that my fear is not worth my energy because I will survive and in the big scale of things my little fear is so small.
Spiritual energy is the most powerful energy we have. The proof of that is the life of people like Victor Frankl and many others. We are being robbed of our spiritual energy when we experience betrayal, vulgarity, and being lied to.
What helps me to stay in a strong spirit is my connection with a higher consciousness - God and my strong belief that with God I can achieve anything. I like to visit churches and cemeteries and I feel recharged after that.

To manage sexual energy is very easy: only have sex with people you truly want and avoid sex with people who you do not want.

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