183. What factors contribute to a person's voice sounding good or bad?

When talking about voice let’s consider its main characteristics:

  1. Pitch

  2. Power and voice projection

  3. Pace

  4. The tone of voice and intonation

Children have high-pitched voices. When they grow up the voice becomes deeper and the pitch lower. Often grownups have high-pitched voices. Often they come to our elocution lessons and we help them to develop different pitch ranges. There are exercises in the app Power, Pitch, Pace, Pause that will create lower or higher-pitched voices and alternate between them to show different emotions and send particulate messages.

The power of the voice or loudness depends on many factors. The power of the voice depends on the lung capacity which in turn depends on breathing. Loudness can be trained as well with the app Power, Pitch, Pace, Pause. There are times when a soft and quiet voice is more effective than a loud one. At the same time loud voice can be essential for a public speaker, a lecturer or when you are out in the open teaching kids tennis, for example. Some people who tend to speak very quietly hardly open their mouths and instead of speaking they just mumble.

The pace of the voice depends on several factors: geographic location where the person lives. the pace of life and so many other factors. In our experience, we had many highly intelligent students whose brain works so fast and that leads to them speaking very quickly as their thoughts rush to come out. We recommend the lesson from our app Power, Pitch, Pace, Pause to master pauses with simple yet effective exercises.

The tone of voice and intonation are very difficult to change. In my opinion, it is more psychological/inherited. copied from our parents etc. rather than technical. Technically there are a few intonation patterns. For example, the simplest pattern is simple rising. We use this intonation when asking a question. Simple falling is used when demanding, or ordering people to do something, this intonation has an authoritative tone.

More on Get Rid of your Accent | Elocution Lessons