185. How do I start really loving myself?

The most important masterpiece you can create in life is yourself. Therefore to love yourself means developing your talents and abilities, mastering your body, mind and soul.

Loving yourself is not feeling sorry for yourself but smiling despite what is happening around you. Smile even when people humiliate you, smile even when you do not have money, smile when you feel tired.

The most important resource you have is your optimistic energy and the belief that everything will be good sooner or later.

Love is making yourself strong. Exercise your body, do not let it become weak. Eat what is good for your body.

Exercise your brain by focusing and concentrating on one idea at a time and constant education.

Strengthen your spirit by praying, meditating and repeating positive affirmations. We love most of our life in our heads, make it a good place to be.

Love yourself by taking the time and listening to your inner feelings. Answer simple questions:
What do you really want?
How do you really feel?
What is bothering you?
What makes you feel good?

Do not rush yourself. Do not step on yourself and respect your feelings.

Say “NO” when it serves you.

Say “YES” to a happy life fool of joy!

Have a loving attitude towards ALL humans. Respect differences and try to understand others the same way you try to understand yourself. You can do it simply by listening to others with good intentions and attitude.

Have a plan for a day, a week, a month, a year and 100 years. What legacy would you like to leave after you die? For example, in the course of my life I would like to write and publish ten books (I have already written and published five books), help ten thousand people to master their speech, plant ten thousand trees, create ten businesses (I already have three).

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