68. What are some fun ways to teach advanced English?

By Olga Smith

By Olga Smith

14 July 2020

The most fun way to teach advanced English is with the app Get Rid of your Accent UK1. Your students need to have at least an intermediate level of English to work with this app as it was designed for native English speakers who go to London drama schools to master Received Pronunciation; it contains lots of verses and sentences from English literature. This app will immensely enrich students’ vocabulary as well. You can also teach your students Business English with the app Business English Speech. It is written in the style of The Economist and Financial Times and helps with very advanced English.

After you drill sounds and articulation with your students, I recommend that you teach them how to speak in a connected way with the app Fluent English Speech. With Fluent English Speech, they will master connected speech patterns and sound more like a native English speaker linking words in a phrase. You will also teach them lots of idiomatic and colloquial expressions used by native English speakers with this app. As you know, many students make the mistake to memories separate words and creating expressions with them. Of course, it is more useful to memorise phrases. to avoid phrasal mistakes.

Once your students sorted out their fluency, vocabulary and pronunciation, I recommend that you teach them with the app Power, Pitch, Pace, Pause to master your presentation skills in English which you need if you want to advance in your career and study

To get the best results with these apps, recommend that you and your students download the video courses Get Rid of your Accent Part 1 and Get rid of your Accent Part 2 in order to see how speech organs are used in English. These video courses are recorded by a teacher teaching her student and you can pick up useful techniques from them.

In the app Elocution Lessons, there is a whole chapter called Tips for Teachers. In this app, you can learn what activities to use with your students.

More on Get Rid of your Accent | Elocution Lessons