How do you get started mastering your speech?
If you are confronted by enemies such as laziness and procrastination there are tools that you can use to overcome them:
1. 5 sends rule. Do not allow your brain a chance to be lazy. As soon as you want to do something your brain will try to find reasons why it would be better to do nothing, So you have just five seconds to start with what you want to do, count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and get started.
2. The power of small steps.Do small actions regularly. Small actions are not frightening for our brain and we choose to do something simple. Our brain likes to do not what is important but what is simple. Break an important task into baby steps and do them regularly. Speech is a very technical subject. To master your speech effectively break it into simple steps and exercise regularly. My favourite app based on RP is Elocution Lessons because it is very easy to use.
3. Develop a habit of achieving small goals: set up a goal, do small steps, get results, reward yourself, acknowledge your risen self-esteem, set up a higher goal and repeat the same circle. When can we be sure that a desired action is our habit? There is a common opinion that it takes 21 days for a habit to set in. I disagree. Some habits take longer. The habit is set for sure when doing something is more comfortable than not doing it. Many people have developed some bad speech habits: they mumble, do not articulate, use too many parasite words, rush their speech, etc.
4. What do all great people have in common? They have great goals. Imagine the benefits of having good speech and how it can help you achieve other important goals.
5. Surround yourself with people who have good speech and motivate you. It can be a public speaking club and other societies.
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