Essential criteria
The length of a promo video is 30-90 seconds. It is short and sweet.
Its purpose is to showcase your product or service in a way that attracts and motivates your target audience to buy it.
Conduct market research and identify your target audience's demographics, motivations and pain points
Make sure your visual elements and graphics reflect your company's values and please your target audience
Content creation
Define your core messages.
For example:
- what is my product/service
- where you can buy and use it
- what is the competitive advantage or unique benefit of your product/service for yout customersIdentify call for action (CFA)
Use story telling technique
Use short words/verbs
Avoid convoluted language, complex terminology and jargon
Ensure your content sounds natural and conversational
Promo video delivery
Record your video several times and ensure good speech articulation and compelling intonation. You can master these skills with the apps Elocution Lessons, Get Rid of your Accent UK1, Business English Speech and Fluent English Speech
Use pauses and modulate your voice. Download the app and Power, Pitch, Pace, Pause to practise these powerful techniques.
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